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[视听] Health Promotion and the Sustainable Development Goals  ...2 Interpreter 2020-7-7 108771 娃娃张的娃娃 2021-8-3 11:14
[视听] What is Infodemic? 世卫组织提出的“信息疫情”是什么?  ...2 Interpreter 2020-6-29 1714978 Shero 2021-1-29 22:01
[视听] How to Wear a Fabric Mask Safely 如何安全佩戴织物口罩 Helen 2020-6-27 64097 吕晓伟 2020-9-3 10:24
[视听] 黄晓明旁白:2020使用说明书  ...2 Interpreter 2020-6-23 1815057 Feli 2021-6-20 22:28
[视听] 中国航天向宇宙深空进发  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-4-28 4540824 Alex 2022-9-23 22:32
[视听] I am Wuhan 我的名字叫武汉  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-3-13 4231866 crabts 2023-2-13 14:15
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Coral 大自然在说话:珊瑚礁  ...23 Interpreter 2020-3-3 2217620 Lei 2022-8-21 23:16
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Rainforest 大自然在说话:雨林  ...23 Interpreter 2020-3-3 2016739 Christina777 2020-6-8 14:52
[视听] Nature Is Speaking:Flower 大自然在说话:花  ...2 Interpreter 2020-3-3 1812020 Christina777 2020-6-8 14:50
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Soil 大自然在说话:土地  ...2 Interpreter 2020-2-10 1912785 江西小豆子 2022-9-8 17:54
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Ocean 大自然在说话:海洋  ...2 Interpreter 2020-2-10 1811448 Lei 2022-8-21 23:15
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Mother Nature 大自然在说话:大自然母亲  ...23 Interpreter 2020-2-10 2919407 吕晓伟 2020-5-24 15:55
[视听] Chinese New Year 话说中国年  ...23 Interpreter 2020-2-6 2922091 Feli 2021-12-23 15:27
[视听] 湖北石首市介绍 Interpreter 2020-1-19 53265 Feli 2021-12-24 08:49
[视听] 南昌市西湖区导游词 Helen 2020-1-15 63303 米兰主教练卡卡 2020-7-6 23:08
[视听] China's Most Mysterious Internet Celebrity 寻找李子柒 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2019-12-12 6853085 18395069436 2023-11-7 10:47
[视听] 如何明智与安全的网络购物 - [阅读权限 10] ...234 Helen 2019-11-9 36178 liberty 2021-4-20 20:47
[视听] 第二届中国国际进口博览会宣传片 Interpreter 2019-10-27 53199 18736390875 2021-11-15 10:54
[视听] Review of the First CIIE 首届中国国际进口博览会综述 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2019-10-27 5542207 yizisky 2021-10-15 10:07
[视听] 精通中国诗词之《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 Interpreter 2019-10-7 55135 吕晓伟 2020-4-1 13:54
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