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[篇章] 北京环球度假区介绍 Universal Beijing Resort heatlevel  ...23456..13 Helen 2021-9-17 12292026 月落乌啼霜满天 2024-4-14 22:22
[篇章] COVID-19 Virus Variants 新冠病毒变种 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Interpreter 2021-8-13 6760830 糯糯酱 2023-9-16 20:46
[篇章] Vaccination for Covid-19 接种新冠疫苗的重要性 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-8-13 5952726 Ecstasy 2023-8-6 09:32
[篇章] 中国全面建成小康社会 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-8-13 5547794 sophiedang 2023-10-31 11:15
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[片段] 清华大学110周年校庆贺词  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-5-24 5249503 yan_yang 2024-8-6 21:49
[片段] 2021年中印关系对话会致辞节选  ...234 Interpreter 2021-5-24 3935381 fayzzz 2024-6-8 13:29
[片段] 2021-04-26 联合国防范和应对疫情流行对话会发言节选  ...234 Interpreter 2021-5-24 3836007 木子洋 2022-11-19 08:50
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[片段] 2021-04-12 王毅外交部湖北全球推介活动致辞节选  ...234 Interpreter 2021-5-24 3327750 yan_yang 2024-8-6 21:47
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[片段] Steve Jobs: If today were the last day of my life  ...234 Interpreter 2021-4-13 3234476 Lance 2022-5-13 23:10
[视听] Xinjiang is a wonderful land 新疆是个好地方 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-4-8 5552051 19953179165 2023-12-17 21:41
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[篇章] The Sanxingdui Ruins Site 三星堆遗址 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-4-8 5358666 彭晓曼 2023-12-9 10:44
[篇章] 从全面脱贫到乡村振兴 heatlevel  ...23456..8 Interpreter 2021-4-8 7071043 同传媛 2024-8-17 01:46
[篇章] Qingming 清明节  ...23 Interpreter 2021-4-8 2929398 Lance 2024-5-6 11:40
[篇章] How to Handle Embarrassment 如何应对尴尬  ...234 Interpreter 2021-4-8 3639308 interpreter00 2023-7-3 17:37
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