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[译员招聘] 正大集团/上海帝泰发展有限公司招聘高级英语口译特别助理

发表于 2018-5-8 22:33:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
5 ~+ t% m! }9 V2 O7 V  Y( ^$ M' }- m/ r& q1 e
企业介绍:+ d  B9 \: p( b! |

0 g9 @- U* Z4 j正大集团是泰籍华人创办的知名跨国企业,在中国以外称作卜蜂集团(Charoen Pokphand Group)。3 S, V/ U7 I. @' e3 d
% D) j2 o4 r% S  X# w3 p
$ d( L; j6 l9 n) X/ C* V; d5 u5 Z-Provide interpretation services for Chief Level Management Team members with accuracy and efficiency/ j* e" W& E& l2 h
-Join Corporate Management team meeting, to provide sufficient interpretation to facilitate communication
- L2 j/ j) A  ~6 z" N& b: Z/ ~-Represent our company to attend external meeting (industry, Group HQ, seminar, etc.) to maintain a good relationship with stakeholders/ k- K+ W  _" g" F0 f- ?
-Closely work with department, function and project heads to support the business operation and development
: D- w8 P! A, U# D! E* F-Translate written documents, such as contracts and business files3 D! h- Y3 i  A, t9 \6 v2 W# W  }
-Other tasks assigned by the supervisor
7 r" K! {5 g) t  @9 Q9 ]& F, n1 S) g( z% O" F5 X
Requirements:7 a4 Z1 v( F7 F8 C0 _) a* G! E& z
-Two-year or above working experience, interpretation experience is a plus+ g, s# W4 t' b) r, |5 w$ W, a! C' R
-High proficiency in oral and written English.
) S; O/ Q/ e5 Y/ h& d-Bachelor degree in English major or have overseas study experience; z' k, }) g' h5 Z& r/ e; P
-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
: k/ T% g% g  C5 k2 W-Wellness to work overtime
" F* m. K/ n; U0 @5 F: I6 {4 h: F9 t: q( s" p  @" h4 Q' s
/ T5 b1 U/ Z$ P9 R8 {联系方式:hr@superbrandmall.com

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