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[译员招聘] 波音公司招聘中英翻译

发表于 2018-5-3 10:29:36 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
+ f6 B: P8 ]. C( X4 ^
, k) d" r4 b  a7 `4 s  ZCompletion Center: Translator5 K" m" G6 u) p
Job ID: China-282 H1 u& J+ w: {$ i1 x" i  U2 x* z
Location: Zhoushan, China: L) x9 v2 c7 s/ |5 V
5 |* U4 X- w! w# s9 v% t! N
The Boeing Zhoushan Completion Center is a collaboration between The Boeing Company and Commercial Aviation Corporation of China (COMAC).  In this new business entity, we will complete the highest quality 737s for China and craft the best customer delivery experience available anywhere.  We are seeking talented candidates to build a successful team that will be the foundation to future success.   K! {" P% L2 a8 E6 h" w1 W

: x+ ]; D2 d- p" B$ k/ f! dJob duties/responsibilities0 r- \7 v6 W7 [

7 E9 W. ~0 t( }$ D3 \# fThe Translator and Engagement specialist will be responsible for the following duties:
2 T# _& T$ D+ s& IProvides language interpretation during meetings, teleconferences, reviews and training.- t9 z  g" P( ^0 S! l/ U0 N  i8 v
Translate documents and other written communication
! r- K1 {& }8 M: D6 M, r. u2 iDevelops working knowledge program subject matter and maintains reference materials to support translation and interpretation processes.9 Q- Z5 R8 J9 t+ q3 a$ n
Collaborates with team members, customers and other stakeholders to ensure the translation accuracy and the intended meaning of the communication is clearly conveyed.' M  I; `: K+ M4 @3 Q
Applies knowledge of national and business cultures and customers to support meetings./ O* @4 o" W' U
Follows internationally established code of ethics for translators/interpreters: maintains strictest confidentiality, professional conduct, competence, professional development, remains impartial, and accurately conveys message without intentionally adding or deleting content.! M8 O; g1 q3 T7 _) g
Provides consecutive and simultaneous language interpretation during all teleconferences, reviews, meetings, training sessions with international participants to enable people of different languages to communicate effectively and to meet the various program needs within the 737 Completion Center.
0 y6 a4 H7 k* K$ sDevelops and maintains reference materials such as bilingual program glossaries, program specific terminology lists, and other tools, to support translation and interpretation processes that can also be used by less experienced personnel and other team members.& i+ \/ q3 F( @1 u
Demonstrates flexibility in work hours and conditions to support meetings. Demonstrates knowledge and awareness of business partner's national and business culture and customs.4 B6 X' Y# O) `, K# I5 Z
Partner with leadership and Human Resources on developing and maintaining employee engagement initiatives designed to establish and mature company culture, motivate and inspire employees, and promote a culture of teaming across the organization.
' v' A- F4 D  @+ x7 r$ s" FQualifications# L  n, m' q" p- R- b% u
) j( m* e* F8 ^1 m* ?/ X
+ {9 Q/ g, J9 t( s; Y# tBachelor’s degree and 2 years or more of related work experience
5 u  m% a  l0 T, `/ eTest for English Majors-Band 8 Certificate preferred
: s4 o7 u* ~" H7 rAble to speak, read, and comprehend English and Mandarin at a professional working level proficiency.2 @% _; B1 U/ s% N8 I) G6 x2 h+ L6 p
Demonstrate strong interpersonal, communication, and teaming skills.
. E# i/ e. g  sBe able to self-manage and establish work procedures and standards to achieve a high level of productivity.  j! H. f+ T: k$ v, ~& i# Q& i
Be able to identify issues, problems and opportunities. 7 e, _9 D$ ?6 U+ f* a8 J3 P/ ~
Demonstrate ability to work well under pressure with a flexible approach./ c# j9 c9 M7 W/ s9 l5 z4 Q

- ^$ A% r+ f3 t申请网址:
6 j6 L4 a. v+ e; p! qhttps://jobs.boeing.com/job/zhou ... nslator/185/7905292

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