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[译员招聘] 央广购物招聘高级英语翻译

发表于 2019-4-24 23:45:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
, m$ j. W, h* N% L9 k6 `9 X招聘高级英语翻译" y4 h* r- Z8 S0 }
9 I) K8 [1 ]5 p  S. X3 u
* V5 i  s  C" e! H
. h$ A1 U  v" E( X6 R8 G
1 b  `) \9 v9 Q  bUnder the general supervision of the executive or other designated manager, performs professional oral and written English、Chinese translation on daily basis. Guide other English speaking admins on translation skills. Additionally, provides some backup support for the administrative needs.
' M& r3 S6 E+ p$ D* o为公司总经理或者其他指定的高级管理人员,提供专业的口语以及书面英汉互译。指导其他可以用英语工作的行政助理人员的翻译技巧。此外,为领导提供部门行政支持。+ s2 f6 D% h; l, Q/ v! l7 q

# a1 L5 |$ W  m1 q1 L8 t- d3 l$ C) P
1. Translate spoken messages simultaneously and/or consecutively into Chinese/English orally, maintaining message content, context, and style as much as possible.
) Z$ R2 f9 L: V) G. x) D+ s汉英同声传译或连续的口头翻译,并尽可能保持信息的 、脉络以及语言风格的一致性。2 z* m) h$ `$ U! N
2. Translate written business documents such as legal documents and financial reports into Chinese/English, maintaining document content, context, and style as much as possible. .
2 q! D! v/ g  V* [' r# w书面商务文件的英汉互译,例如法律文件,财务报告,并尽可能保持文件的内容、脉络以及语言风格的一致性。2 f# I7 j* A8 f/ b; {" C+ B% L9 N# Z
3.  Proofread, edit, and revise translated materials.
4 p$ e3 @% O' r2 n4 j6 p9 K翻译材料的校对,编辑,以及修订。
5 z1 g$ k7 a( E4 s: P% x4. Refer to reference materials such as dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias, and computerized terminology banks as needed to ensure translation accuracy.
9 I7 j1 @& f4 I5 v+ q* Q7 X3 o' Q- O为保证翻译的精确性,必要时参考专业材料,如字典,辞典,百科全书,以及电子术语银行等。
) H" T& s4 J! {- a( v% n, Q5.  Follow ethical codes that protect the confidentiality of information.
: y, c1 H  m+ M/ H" l; G  z; f5 ^遵守职业伦理规章,保守信息机密。1 {- b& k! _$ q  c8 w/ b
6. Compile information about the content and context of information to be translated, as well as details of the groups for whom translation or interpretation is being performed.
1 B' D& {: W; Y% S: K+ Q编制需要翻译的信息内容和文本,以及编制翻译需求人员演示的详细信息。8 p$ f$ R( n9 G& V& f
7. Adapt software and accompanying technical documents to another language and culture.
, I: s( D6 ?5 ^9 b/ T改编软件以及技术文档,使其适应另一种语言及其文化。/ [. u, G2 G! n+ o4 q6 M: |  P5 v
8. Train and supervise other translators and administrators.! i8 o  c, p0 ~' m4 a
% k0 e5 f" l' r- x9. Travel with expatriate or business traveler who speaks another language.% U5 N" C! X/ j7 W
" E) J# T% ?1 O9 ~! }: M5 e10. Other translating and administrative work as needed.
# u9 N3 V( H! o' ?- A* ^其他需要的翻译和行政工作。
2 k8 y5 K3 I0 ?Prioritizes work coming from a variety of sources. And coordinates major projects within the office to ensure tasks are completed within established deadlines.! ^) g8 F: F- U1 ~" v; G% B0 k
对各种不同来源的工作进行主次排序,在办公室内协调主要项目,以保证在既定的截止期限内完成任务。/ Z; e' Q5 u& [  g# c5 B5 ~4 F
' x+ K5 P; I: p3 G! o3 Y
Ⅲ. SPECIFIC JOB KNOELEDGE (Special skills, knowledge of machines, procedures, etc.) 职位专业要求(专业技能,机械知识,程序等)
  A/ V1 q8 r" y/ u/ S2 y1 A4 ^, S; e, ?2 m, G+ g+ k4 [1 T# ~
1. Excellent PC skills are required, which include a broad knowledge of E-mail, word processing, spreadsheet and database programs, such as Excel, Word, etc.
7 x7 N; U1 f6 D! D4 s# L4 B( _优秀的计算机技巧,包括熟练使用电子邮件,文字处理,电子表格以及数据库等程序,例如Excel,Word等。
: D; Z! a9 J; {- \& ~0 K; l2 D2. Language: Native speaker Mandarin. Must also have good knowledge of spoken and written English.- q/ B7 q" a; w' J4 n( V
语言:母语为普通话。良好的书面英语以及口语。- b6 ?, u# K$ h- }6 m
3. Good organization and time management skills are necessary.
. @1 l; g) L7 y5 |良好的组织能力以及时间管理技巧。
9 \9 H- q. {2 p% I# ^7 V9 i4.  Excellent communication skills and the ability to interact with all levels of internal personnel.
9 f' o* k  e7 c优秀的沟通技巧以及和内部各级别人员的互动协作能力。
8 f$ L7 e$ v  [& t$ j , L6 \1 K1 |) S( a: G4 x
& R; c6 N& z/ D; t! _* r
+ W9 K, x& {6 ~7 @, ]. ^5 I1. Education: A university diploma or an equivalent combination of training and experience.- P# A9 {/ C2 ?" l- A- b; v7 Y
教育背景:大学本科,英语专业毕业或同等水平的培训及工作经验。7 c9 a: i( n# x6 s. I( S7 P
2. Experience: A minimum of three years related translation/interpretation experience supporting a senior executive.
+ w. X' b3 l8 c工作经验:至少三年翻译以及为高级管理人员提供支持的工作经验。/ c' G3 g6 \% _3 N6 x. \
4 u7 E( i/ c, i" n薪资待遇:8千-1万
! r! h" F+ [0 H5 C7 X/ |8 n+ d# O2 T( K! }- \  T
9 y: ~: K( H/ i7 S3 M5 g关注【口译网】微信公众号,公众号后台聊天页面回复关键词【央广】获取应聘联系方式。4 S- A# M* ]9 W( m1 w! ~) o. q
, x9 V$ j# Z5 ~! e- S8 }3 e" C; ]7 C$ `! t
" \9 O( s! h- F% ~& s; ]( c  g+ }2009年6月5日,中央人民广播电台申请开办全国性付费电视频道《央广购物》的请示获批。2010年6月17日,秉承母公司中央人民广播电台70年品牌理念和文化积淀的央广购物开播,经营日用百货、文化用品、家用电器、家居、化妆品等品类,致力于成为全中国受喜爱和信任的家庭电视购物公司的愿景,整合电视、广播、网络、手机电视等渠道,为消费者带来全新的购物方式和生活范本。/ x. o7 Y0 l, ], P% [, w# ^

5 B+ l$ S  _2 I+ T公司总部设于北京,现有员工近800人,拥有数千平米的办公场地,两个近千平米的直播影棚,24小时节目不间断放送。同时我们配备了当下先进的呼叫中心和信息管理系统,为消费者提供24*365的高效快速服务。先后启用了北京、南京、长春、长沙等四仓储库房,极大地提高了物流配送能力。
2 a4 O% N9 V; A: C* ?. W
1 s# p6 n7 e; n* Q6 C2 g2012年央广购物与美国QVC公司达成商品战略合作,吸纳全球知名品牌,从世界各地精心挑选高品质、物超所值的商品,生动、全面地展现给广大消费者,让消费者享受实惠、方便、一流的购物体验。目前央广购物电视信号已经覆盖全国20个省市,200多个城市,会员数量近500万人,潜移默化地改变着人们的生活!

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