On today's World Health Day, we pay tribute to the ones who fight so hard against the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to all the doctors, the nurses, the health care workers and the many volunteers. Thank you for your dedication, your commitment and your resilience. You are our true champions.
And when this is over, I hope that your commitment, all your efforts will not be forgotten, and that you will receive the support you truly deserve.
Many members of the Olympic community and many Olympic athletes are part of your teams. They're working in hospitals and health care facilities. So even in these unprecedented times, sport gives hope. Sport can show us the way for the day after to which we are looking for. We are all working for these a day when we can resume our social life and when we finally can hug each other again. So let us prepare for this day. Stay strong, stay active, stay healthy.
奥林匹克大家庭的许多成员和运动员也参与抗疫行动,他们在医院和医疗机构工作。即使在这个前所未有的时代,体育也能给我们带来希望,体育可以为我们指向通往美好未来的道路。我们都在为能够恢复社会活动以及最终能够再次彼此拥抱的那一天而努力。让我们为这一天的到来做好准备吧!保持坚强,保持活力,保持健康! |