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技能训练 今日: 0|主题: 511|排名: 5 

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[篇章] 中国国际服务贸易交易会介绍 CIFTIS  ...2345 Helen 2020-9-17 4450663 xing7814 2022-9-26 23:08
[篇章] Sport and Climate Change 气候变化对体育运动的影响  ...23 David 2020-9-16 2830683 lemonlydia 2022-3-7 09:41
[篇章] New school year starts amid COVID-19 疫情之下的开学季  ...234 David 2020-9-16 3641654 mazheng 2023-6-20 15:59
[视听] 人民至上 生命至上 China Fights COVID-19 by Putting People First  ...234 Helen 2020-9-13 3232296 娃娃张的娃娃 2021-8-3 10:47
[篇章] Tips for Getting Promoted 晋升的诀窍  ...23 Helen 2020-9-13 2120348 A佳M月Y 2021-9-20 10:16
[篇章] Conservatism of the English People 英国人的保守  ...2 Helen 2020-9-13 1010581 江西小豆子 2021-10-6 17:40
[片段] Why China Overtakes the U.S. 中国为什么会超越美国?  ...23 Interpreter 2020-9-8 2524931 xielujie 2021-3-24 16:08
[篇章] Different Educational Ways 东西方国家不同的教育方式  ...234 Interpreter 2020-9-6 3540806 徐开心 2023-11-27 21:28
[片段] 中国国际服务贸易交易会峰会致辞节选  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-9-6 4040425 lemonlydia 2022-9-9 22:50
[篇章] Xiaokang Society 小康社会  ...23 Helen 2020-9-3 2225183 Bingwang2 2021-10-17 21:23
[篇章] How to Improve Your Sleep 如何改善睡眠质量  ...23 Interpreter 2020-9-2 2626541 A佳M月Y 2021-9-20 09:46
[篇章] Social Media Depression 社交媒体抑郁症  ...234 Interpreter 2020-9-2 3537298 flyingJane 2023-7-23 11:19
[篇章] 深圳特区40周年  ...234 Interpreter 2020-9-2 3946617 yizisky 2021-10-15 10:01
[篇章] Stop Food Waste 拒绝餐饮浪费  ...234 Helen 2020-8-27 3943239 apple 2022-5-26 20:54
[篇章] Social Media Marketing 社交媒体营销  ...23 Helen 2020-8-27 2527038 ningjingirene 2021-6-6 13:28
[片段] 新冠疫情下的旅游业危机  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-8-26 4448549 mazheng 2023-4-8 18:05
[篇章] The Power of Books 书籍的力量  ...23 Interpreter 2020-8-26 2121915 xing7814 2022-11-28 21:37
[篇章] Narcissist 自恋者 Interpreter 2020-8-26 85844 xiaoyuer 2020-12-17 14:51
[片段] TikTok境遇折射美国麦卡锡主义还魂  ...23 Interpreter 2020-8-26 2221210 Jeanne 2023-5-27 13:53
[篇章] How to Keep Fit 如何选择健身方式  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-26 1718043 KarenM2020 2022-11-17 18:45
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