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[片段] 拜登宣布重返巴黎协定应对气候变化  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 109642 zhaoqian94 2021-10-18 20:01
[篇章] The future of cinema 电影院的未来  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 1611434 木子洋 2022-12-4 23:21
[视听] Digital RMB 一文读懂数字人民币  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2818678 星星牌榴莲糖 2023-12-6 20:32
[篇章] Parent-teacher WeChat groups 家校群引争议  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2214796 dearinterpreter 2023-4-13 11:13
[篇章] 新冠肺炎冬季预防指南 Tips for COVID-19 prevention in winter  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 108748 Jely 2022-9-19 17:57
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[片段] Tools to fight COVID-19 抗击新冠的工具 Interpreter 2021-2-9 53509 mazheng 2023-4-8 18:03
[篇章] Chang’e 5 Lunar Probe 嫦娥五号登月“挖土” Interpreter 2021-2-9 95881 neck-and-neck 2022-5-9 18:58
[视听] COVID-19 and AIDS 新冠疫情与艾滋病  ...2345 Helen 2020-12-3 4942266 武宇轩 2022-11-28 20:25
[篇章] Instant fame “甜野男孩”丁真爆火 heatlevel  ...23456 Helen 2020-12-3 5155076 武宇轩 2022-11-28 20:29
[篇章] Best Actress Zhou Dongyu “三金影后”周冬雨  ...23 Helen 2020-12-3 2324742 sybilzeng 2021-7-26 11:35
[视听] 安全座椅必不可少 Child Safety Restraints  ...23 Helen 2020-12-3 2926321 jizhizhi 2023-4-2 23:53
[篇章] 端午节 Duan Wu Festival  ...2 Helen 2020-12-3 1916807 hyper346 2022-6-1 20:05
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[篇章] An Introduction to APEC 亚太经合组织介绍  ...23 Helen 2020-11-21 2929432 六爷 2022-1-29 21:02
[篇章] Disappearing Offices 疫情会让办公室消失吗?  ...234 Helen 2020-11-21 3132833 chole1314 2022-4-25 17:09
[篇章] Dealing with grief 如何面对悲伤的情绪  ...23 Helen 2020-11-21 2118312 陈南西 2022-4-26 15:35
[篇章] What is RCEP 一文详解RCEP  ...23 Helen 2020-11-21 2827649 Lorettayamm 2022-6-11 15:39
[篇章] Social Influencers 网红如何带货 heatlevel  ...23456..9 Interpreter 2020-11-4 8195676 子瑜ziyu 2022-9-23 11:04
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