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技能训练 今日: 0|主题: 511|排名: 6 

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[篇章] 构建人与自然生命共同体  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3728712 Shero 2023-10-24 15:16
[片段] 对中美关系的新期待 attachment  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 109368 majoree1983 2021-3-30 18:07
[视听] Will vaccines end the pandemic? 疫苗会终结疫情吗?  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3831222 hanml 2023-4-4 19:36
[视听] Biden Takes Action On COVID-19 拜登采取行动应对新冠危机  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 1614725 六爷 2022-1-29 20:54
[视听] Biden’s Five New Economic Actions 拜登的五项新经济行动  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2418878 19953179165 2023-12-17 21:52
[视听] WHO - Guardian of Health 世界卫生组织——健康守护者  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2014843 江西小豆子 2024-3-17 14:48
[篇章] 中国实施扩大内需战略  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2318968 江西小豆子 2022-8-30 17:45
[篇章] Mass COVID-19 Vaccination 大规模新冠疫苗接种启动  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3526633 dearinterpreter 2023-1-2 11:26
[篇章] 中国全面禁止洋垃圾 Ban on Overseas Trash  ...2345 Interpreter 2021-2-9 4031571 zhaomengfei 2023-3-1 15:58
[篇章] 告别2020 Say Goodbye to 2020  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2321288 不二家的小瓶子 2021-7-6 23:47
[篇章] Climate Change Crisis 气候变化危机  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3024875 Nancyzhujia 2022-11-21 14:08
[篇章] Comfort Food 开心美食  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2921877 江西小豆子 2024-3-17 14:44
[篇章] Different Police Forces in China 中国警察分类  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 1210305 江西小豆子 2024-3-17 14:53
[篇章] What makes us late 我们为什么爱迟到  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 1913202 子瑜ziyu 2022-9-23 11:10
[篇章] A Glass Of Water 一杯水的启迪  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 119558 江西小豆子 2024-3-17 14:52
[篇章] Senior-friendly Apps 让科技方便老年人  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3627844 Zhangke 2024-3-19 21:19
[篇章] Phobia 恐惧症  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2115295 陈南西 2023-11-10 10:59
[篇章] Making your gadgets last longer 延长电子产品的使用寿命  ...2 Interpreter 2021-2-9 1711311 KarenM2020 2022-11-17 18:42
[篇章] The Future of Electric Cars 电动汽车的未来  ...2345 Interpreter 2021-2-9 4026212 江西小豆子 2024-3-17 14:50
[片段] WHO on Santa Claus and COVID-19 Interpreter 2021-2-9 33003 六爷 2022-1-29 20:50
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