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技能训练 今日: 0|主题: 511|排名: 6 

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[篇章] Global Trends in Education 未来全球教育趋势 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2020-2-16 6880849 mazheng 2023-6-20 16:01
[篇章] Braving the Novel Coronavirus 最美逆行者 heatlevel  ...23456..8 Helen 2020-2-16 7252720 mazheng 2021-10-15 16:38
[片段] Don't Kick China When It's Down 共同战“疫”之时,谁在落井下石?  ...2 Helen 2020-2-13 1813078 kittymao 2020-6-16 20:19
[篇章] Valentine's Day 情人节  ...23 Helen 2020-2-13 2516859 米兰主教练卡卡 2020-7-4 22:10
[片段] A Sincere Letter to Friends of China 致中国朋友们的一封信  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-2-12 4333423 birdyzzz 2021-1-21 15:04
[片段] Winning the Fight Against the Epidemic 打赢疫情防控阻击战 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2020-2-12 5851396 陈南西 2022-4-26 15:23
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Soil 大自然在说话:土地  ...2 Interpreter 2020-2-10 1912793 江西小豆子 2022-9-8 17:54
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Ocean 大自然在说话:海洋  ...2 Interpreter 2020-2-10 1811461 Lei 2022-8-21 23:15
[视听] Nature Is Speaking: Mother Nature 大自然在说话:大自然母亲  ...23 Interpreter 2020-2-10 2919443 吕晓伟 2020-5-24 15:55
[篇章] 新冠肺炎的宏观影响 heatlevel  ...23456..10 Interpreter 2020-2-9 9697489 Jely 2022-9-19 18:48
[片段] 中国人抗击疫情中的家国情怀  ...23456 Helen 2020-2-7 5147877 chole1314 2022-5-17 10:03
[视听] Chinese New Year 话说中国年  ...23 Interpreter 2020-2-6 2922128 Feli 2021-12-23 15:27
[篇章] 武汉城市导游词  ...23 Helen 2020-2-5 2219566 crabts 2023-2-13 14:14
[篇章] “新型冠状病毒肺炎”家庭预防指南  ...234 Helen 2020-2-4 3428357 Jely 2022-9-19 18:49
[篇章] Introduction to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus 世界卫生组织新型冠状病... heatlevel  ...23456..8 Interpreter 2020-2-2 7474906 flyingJane 2022-2-15 22:23
[篇章] A Novel Coronavirus 新型冠状病毒介绍 heatlevel  ...23456..9 Interpreter 2020-1-21 8665730 mazheng 2021-10-15 17:10
[篇章] Chunyun-The World's Largest Human Migration 春运:世界最大规模的人... - [阅读权限 10] ...23 Interpreter 2020-1-19 2747 Shero 2021-1-22 13:16
[片段] 2020-01-17 驻英国使馆春节招待会致辞节选  ...234 Interpreter 2020-1-19 3232119 英菲要去巴斯 2020-12-31 15:54
[视听] 湖北石首市介绍 Interpreter 2020-1-19 53267 Feli 2021-12-24 08:49
[篇章] From Instant Noodles to Ordering Online Meals  ...23 Helen 2020-1-19 2916962 米兰主教练卡卡 2020-7-6 22:27
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