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技能训练 今日: 0|主题: 511|排名: 5 

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[片段] 2020政府工作报告节选之经济篇 heatlevel  ...23456 Helen 2020-5-26 5649176 cathy126 2023-4-17 09:39
[篇章] Parent-teacher WeChat groups 家校群引争议  ...23 Interpreter 2021-2-9 2214780 dearinterpreter 2023-4-13 11:13
[篇章] Cyber Security 网络安全 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2020-2-29 5953210 mazheng 2023-4-10 14:11
[片段] 应对疫情下的教育危机 COVID-19 and Education Catastrophe  ...234 Interpreter 2020-8-12 3638714 mazheng 2023-4-8 18:08
[片段] 新冠疫情下的旅游业危机  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-8-26 4448541 mazheng 2023-4-8 18:05
[片段] Tools to fight COVID-19 抗击新冠的工具 Interpreter 2021-2-9 53507 mazheng 2023-4-8 18:03
[片段] 欧莱雅CEO谈进博会及美容市场 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2019-10-31 6252537 译心一意 2023-4-4 21:30
[视听] Will vaccines end the pandemic? 疫苗会终结疫情吗?  ...234 Interpreter 2021-2-9 3831139 hanml 2023-4-4 19:36
[视听] 安全座椅必不可少 Child Safety Restraints  ...23 Helen 2020-12-3 2926284 jizhizhi 2023-4-2 23:53
[对话] 交通安全  ...2345 David 2017-8-16 4134875 jizhizhi 2023-4-2 23:52
[对话] 电影艺术 heatlevel  ...23456..8 David 2017-8-16 7560533 mazheng 2023-3-31 15:09
[片段] 总理记者会谈教育和医疗  ...2345 Helen 2021-3-12 4528691 mazheng 2023-3-21 21:26
[片段] 孔子学院讲话  ...2345 Interpreter 2019-11-1 4037269 refreshingv 2023-3-21 14:38
[片段] 驻美大使纪念中美乒乓外交50周年致辞节选  ...2345 Interpreter 2021-4-13 4033960 mazheng 2023-3-15 20:16
[数字] Job and Salary 工作与薪酬 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2019-11-7 6255676 dannysmile 2023-3-6 15:07
[篇章] 中国全面禁止洋垃圾 Ban on Overseas Trash  ...2345 Interpreter 2021-2-9 4031500 zhaomengfei 2023-3-1 15:58
[篇章] British Economic System 英国经济体制介绍  ...2345 Interpreter 2019-5-17 4032719 fayzzz 2023-2-19 16:04
[片段] 2021达沃斯世界经济论坛演讲节选 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2021-2-9 5344175 mazheng 2023-2-16 17:25
[视听] I am Wuhan 我的名字叫武汉  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-3-13 4231861 crabts 2023-2-13 14:15
[篇章] 武汉城市导游词  ...23 Helen 2020-2-5 2219527 crabts 2023-2-13 14:14
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