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[篇章] 人工智能的喜与忧 heatlevel  ...23456..7 Helen 2019-9-6 6248532 Endien 2022-5-19 22:00
[片段] Cooperation in 5G Era 让合作成为5G时代的关键词  ...2345 Interpreter 2020-3-21 4240022 chole1314 2022-5-17 10:04
[片段] 中国人抗击疫情中的家国情怀  ...23456 Helen 2020-2-7 5147885 chole1314 2022-5-17 10:03
[片段] Steve Jobs: If today were the last day of my life  ...234 Interpreter 2021-4-13 3227875 Lance 2022-5-13 23:10
[篇章] China Youth Information Online Project 青少年信息网络工程致辞  ...234 Interpreter 2019-10-31 3127717 Cuihuaxu 2022-5-12 20:07
[篇章] Chang’e 5 Lunar Probe 嫦娥五号登月“挖土” Interpreter 2021-2-9 95888 neck-and-neck 2022-5-9 18:58
[片段] 最珍贵的母亲节礼物  ...2 David 2018-5-22 108347 美丽心情yin 2022-5-8 23:09
[片段] WHO on Sacrifices of Health Workers 世卫总干事谈医疗工作者的牺牲  ...2 Interpreter 2020-7-22 1713647 Bella~ 2022-4-27 19:55
[篇章] Dealing with grief 如何面对悲伤的情绪  ...23 Helen 2020-11-21 2118337 陈南西 2022-4-26 15:35
[篇章] New Professions in China 中国的新兴职业  ...234 Interpreter 2020-7-12 3434592 陈南西 2022-4-26 15:26
[片段] Winning the Fight Against the Epidemic 打赢疫情防控阻击战 heatlevel  ...23456 Interpreter 2020-2-12 5851401 陈南西 2022-4-26 15:23
[篇章] Disappearing Offices 疫情会让办公室消失吗?  ...234 Helen 2020-11-21 3132866 chole1314 2022-4-25 17:09
[篇章] TCM and COVID-19 中医与新冠肺炎  ...2345 David 2020-5-24 4050413 Feli 2022-4-25 10:45
[篇章] Telemedicine 远程医疗  ...234 Interpreter 2020-8-26 3436105 Feli 2022-4-25 10:43
[篇章] Working Life From BC to AD 工作生活新纪元  ...23 David 2020-9-29 2729977 sqhjane 2022-4-24 04:47
[视听] China Strikes a Balance 统筹推进疫情防控与经济社会发展  ...234 David 2020-9-18 3232174 95zhizun 2022-4-23 15:44
[片段] 2019-09-03 驻英国大使在中英商业领袖晚宴上的讲话  ...2345 David 2019-9-7 4130386 Feli 2022-4-15 16:46
[片段] 2019-10-13 联合国秘书长古特雷斯国际减少灾害风险日致辞  ...2 Interpreter 2019-10-13 1410543 jessicanacht 2022-4-14 13:51
[篇章] Flu Season and COVID-19 流感季遇上新冠肺炎  ...23 Interpreter 2020-10-29 2225354 mazheng 2022-4-9 22:32
[篇章] 深化中英人文教育交流  ...234 Interpreter 2020-1-6 3632060 Feli 2022-4-7 19:28
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