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[体卫] 2017-05-22 邓亚萍在母校剑桥大学的演讲

发表于 2017-6-19 09:46:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


I walked gently, as I gently came, I gently waved farewell to the western sky clouds.


We all said that he painted a romantic Cambridge, but he forgot to mention how fierce the competition is. This is what I discovered after myself. Do you agree?


My theme today is: let dreams fly. I will share with you four different dreams, my life dream.


One day when I was five years old, I began to play table tennis with my father. As you can see from this picture, because I'm too short, I have to stand on a wooden box to find a table. Otherwise, my head will just rise out of the table, look, just like this, just enough to reach the table. When I was 8 years old, I became a winner. I could defeat most of the competitors of my age. I should have entered the provincial team, but I was rejected by the coach. Do you know why? That's right, because I'm too short. They say I won't be able to develop in the future.


Once, the coach asked my father to take me away. When I got home, my father asked me, "do you agree with them?" If you compromise, we will stop training now; if you don't agree, you have to work hard to become the strongest warrior and prove to those coaches that you are the best. At that time, I was only 10 years old. I didn't know what this decision meant. I simply answered my father, "I can beat them!"


In four years of training, I train 13 hours a day, 7 days a week, almost 90 hours of quenching. I was only 13 when I won the national championship, and I should be selected for the national team. But 4 of the 5 coaches of the national team are against me entering the national team. In the last discussion, the team coach, Zhang Xielin, made the view, "you think Deng Ya Ping's height is a disadvantage, but I don't think it is." Because she is short, the ball in her eyes is always high. " So what? I'm always attacking, not defending. I don't need to be defensive at all!

在为期四年的训练中,我每天训练13个小时,每周7天无休,将近90个小时的淬炼。我在赢得全国冠军的时候只有13岁,我又理应入选国家队了,但国家队5个教练中的4个,都反对我进入国家队。在最后一次讨论中,球队主教练,张燮林指导提出了这样的观点: “你们觉得邓亚萍的身高是劣势,我却觉得不然。正因为她个子矮,她眼中的球总是高的。”于是怎样呢?我总是在进攻,而不是防守。我完全不需要防守!

After years of hard training, I have won many titles of world champions, but I am still the most hardworking player in the team. I am always the last to finish training. When I go to the restaurant, the chef will be very happy to see me, because it means they can leave work. But I really should thank them because they took good care of me.


In many years of my career, I won 18 world titles, including 4 Olympic champions. My dream of becoming an Olympic champion has finally been realized. It is not just my talent to help me succeed, but more importantly, my hard training and unremitting persistence.


Before I went to Cambridge, my friends, parents and Tsinghua teachers told me that I should not go to Cambridge to study because you were too famous. If you fail to get your degree and graduate from Cambridge, you will be very embarrassed. In China, we call this a disgrace.


You see, this is my student card. Is it the same as you do now? I got it when I went to school in January 2003. I spent most of my time in the school library. The main reference is to consult the data in the six floor of the Southern District. In order to save time, I even eat in the library. All this is for my paper, the Olympic brand and the global competition - Taking the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing as an example, in which four international brand cases were studied.


After five years of hard day and night, my thesis reply arrived on schedule. I asked my instructor, "do I have the chance to attend a defense? What is the situation? "My mentor said," don't even think about it. This is the top secret, and curiosity will experience itself. " I asked him how long the answer would last. He replied, "if you are good enough, you will end in 30 minutes." If not, it will take a whole day. "What about the average time?" I asked. "It's about three hours," he said. He added: "the process of reply will be very enjoyable for you." I said, "it's impossible."


On that day, I entered the reply room, and the two examiners were already sitting there. They look very kind. But I feel the air is filled with oppression. I'm very, very nervous. As in the Olympic final. I didn't take out my paper. But I saw the two examiners. An examiner placed a list of problems in front of him. What about another examiner? I put a full label on my paper. Wow, I think it will be a tough battle today. The examiner solemnly said to me, "what do we ask you to answer?" During the reply, they asked a data question about their details. At that moment, I had to take the papers out of my bag and find out the source of the data to answer their questions. They talked for a moment. Finally, he smiled and said to me, "Congratulations, you passed." It took three hours in all. When I came out, I telephoned the instructor: "I passed." Before I could tell me, he immediately said, "great, wonderful!" I can feel that he is as nervous as I am.


During the bidding process, I was one of the bidding ambassadors. I would like to share with you an interesting story: one day I bought something in a supermarket and met a middle-aged woman who recognized me. She came to me and said, "Deng Ya Ping, you have to work harder to make Beijing successful. Because you work in the International Olympic Committee, you know those committee members. They have the right to vote in their hands. I don't know why a middle-aged woman working in a supermarket will make me work hard.


I asked her why she said, "if Beijing holds the Olympic Games, my community will be rebuilt and I can move to a better apartment!" I didn't know how to answer her, but after that, I used the story to convince them whenever I met the International Olympic Committee members. I understand that as a country, we have waited for one hundred years, and our people cherish this opportunity very much. But for the Olympic Games and Olympic Games, it also needs to come to China. Because we have one billion and three hundred million people and 400 million young people. So it must be a win-win situation. When Mr. Samaranch announced that Beijing had won the bid, all the members of our delegation jumped up with joy and screamed with joy.


At the same time, all Chinese people, especially those in Beijing, have come to the streets to celebrate the success of the bid. You can look at the pictures. It's very shocking. A large number of people poured into the streets and even sat on the car because the roads were completely blocked up and unable to drive. This is China's most realistic portrayal of the Olympic centenary dream.


Now the Chinese are taking part in more and more sports and spending more money on sports. I think there are two main reasons for this. First of all, the success of the Olympic Games inspired people to participate in sports. Secondly, Chinese people become rich gradually. The pursuit of a higher quality of life. So more participation in sports.


Apart from sports for the healthy people, the sports dreams of the disadvantaged groups deserve our support and help. The boy in the picture lost his parents and also lost his leg. When the disaster happened, he was so sad that he could not say anything. The doctor learned that the boy was a table tennis fan. When the doctor asked him, "would you be happier if the table tennis world champion came to play with you?" His answer is "no, they will not appear here, you deceive me". The doctor found me and asked if I would like to visit the child, chat with him and play ball games. I said I could go without a problem. When I got there, I played with him all the time. He did not say a word. When I embraced him in the past, I could feel his body shaking. I could feel his excitement and shock. He never thought it was true. After we left, the doctor later told us that the boy cried and he would get better gradually because he finally released his mood.


This boy is called Zhao Shuai. You can see that he is a disabled table tennis player. When he was 4, he had a car accident. After the accident, his father told him to practice ping-pong. You see, he has lost his left arm, and his fingers on his right hand have almost lost all his functions. So he can only play the ball on his finger, otherwise he can't catch the racket. He won the men's singles champion of the London Paralympic Games and continued to win the Rio Paralympics last year. When I saw him, I was moved by his story. He is really a positive young talent. Later we offered him the Deng Ya Ping sports scholarship. The scholarship was co sponsored by the University of Nottingham. We hope that he will go to college to continue his study. We also hope to help more disabled athletes and young talents, and have the opportunity to study abroad.

这个男孩他叫赵帅,你们能看到他是一个残疾乒乓球运动员。 当他4岁时发生了一场车祸。车祸后他的父亲告诉他去练乒乓。你看他失去了左臂,他的右手手指也几乎失去了所有功能。所以他只能把拍在绑在他手指上打球,不然他根本抓不住球拍。他夺得了伦敦残奥会的男子单打冠军,并继续在去年的里约残奥会上夺冠。当我亲眼见到他时我被他的故事所打动。他真的是一个积极向上的年轻才俊。后来我们提供给他邓亚萍体育奖学金。这个奖学金是英国诺丁汉大学共同发起建立的。我们希望他能够去大学里继续深造。我们也希望帮助更多的残疾人运动员和青年才俊,能够有机会出国留学。

In the end, let me share some of my personal feelings: no matter how far my dream is, no matter how much effort I have to make, I will go all the way and go through my dreams. Now that I can realize my dream, I believe you can do it!




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