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[社会] 2019-06-11 斯图尔特911救援者听证会含泪怒斥国会议员

发表于 2019-6-15 11:09:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

在美国众议院6月11日召开的一场听证会上,美国前深夜节目主持人、9·11事件应急人员代表“囧司徒”——乔恩•斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)面对一排几乎空着的议员座椅,含泪哽咽怒斥国会议员对9·11事件中的应急人员漠不关心。他表示,这些议员并没有尊重这些曾在9·11事件中做出牺牲的应急人员,这些议员的漠不关心,让这些曾作出牺牲的人们损失了他们最珍贵的东西——时间。


著名电视节目主持人、作家、时政评论员乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart),同时也是一直为911事件现场急救人员的医疗和福利奔走呼吁的社会活动家,在6月11日国会举办的重新启动911受害者赔偿基金听证会上几度哽咽,向在场和不在场的议员们发出了悲愤的质问。



I want to thank Mr. Collins and Mr. Nadler for putting this together. But, as I sit here today, I can’t help but think what an incredible metaphor this room is for the entire process that getting health care and benefits for 9/11 first responders has come to. Behind me: a filled room of 9/11 first responders. And in front of me: a nearly empty Congress.


Sick and dying, they brought themselves down here to speak -- to no one. It's shameful. It's an embarrassment to the country. And it is a stain on this institution. And you should be ashamed of yourselves for those that aren't here, but you won't be because accountability doesn't appear to be something that occurs in this chamber.


We don't want to be here. Luis [Detective Luis Alvarez] doesn't want to be here. None of these people want to be here. But they are, and they're not here for themselves. They're here to continue fighting for what's right. Lu's going to go back for his 69th chemo. The great Ray Pfeiffer would come down here, his body riddled with cancer and pain, where he couldn't walk; and the disrespect shown to him and to the other lobbyists on this bill is utterly unacceptable.

我们不想来, Luis (退休警官,癌症患者)不想来,这些人没一个想来!但他们来了,而且,他们不是为自己而来。他们要在这里继续斗争,为正义而斗争! Lou将要回去做第六十九次化疗,伟大的Ray Pfeifer(去世的消防员)一定也想来,他的身体曾被癌细胞和疼痛吞噬,以致无法行走。这项提案引发的对他和其他倡议者的不尊重,让人完全不能接受!

You know, I used to get...I would be so angry at the latest injustice that's done to these men and women and, you know, another business card thrown our way as a way of shooing us away like children trick-or-treating, rather than the heroes that they are and will always be.


Ray would stay, "Calm down, Johnny. Calm down." "I got all the cards I need." And he would tap his pocket...where he kept the prayer cards of 343 firefighters.

Ray 假如在世, 他会劝我,冷静点,乔尼,冷静点。“我拿到了所有的卡片”,他会拍拍口袋,里面装满祷告词卡片。343名消防员!

The official FDNY response time to 911 was five seconds. Five seconds! That's how long it took for FDNY, for NYPD, for Port Authority, for EMS to respond to an urgent need from the public. Five seconds. Hundreds died in an instant. Thousands more poured in to continue to fight for their brothers and sisters.


The breathing problems started almost immediately. And they were told they weren't sick -- they were crazy.  And then, as the illnesses got worse and things became more apparent, "Well, okay, you're sick but it's not from the pile." And then, when the science became irrefutable, "Okay, it's the pile -- but this is a New York issue." I don't know if we "have the money."

灾后,他们的呼吸问题即刻出现了,然而他们却被告知他们没有生病, 他们只是精神错乱了!随着病况变得越发糟糕,实情也更加明朗。“好吧,你们生病了。但不是因为废墟的瓦砾堆。”然后当科学证实变得无可辩驳。“好吧”,那些打官腔的人又说,“是因为瓦砾堆。但这个问题归纽约管。我不知道我们有没有这笔钱。”

And I'm sorry if I sound angry and undiplomatic, but I'm angry -- and you should be too; and they're all angry as well. And they have every justification to be that way. There is not a person here, there is not an empty chair on that stage that didn't tweet out, "Never forget" the heroes of 9/11; never forget their bravery; never forget what they did, what they gave to this country. Well here they are! And where are they?

如果我的话听起来很愤怒,不够圆滑,我很抱歉。可是我真的很气愤,你们也同样应该气愤!我身后的救援人员也非常气愤,他们有足够的理由气愤!议员席位上的人,包括那些空着的座位上的人,没有一位没在推特上说过,“永远不要忘记911的英雄们,永远不要忘记他们的勇敢,不要忘记他们做出的贡献,不要忘记他们为了这个国家所付出的一切!” 好啊,现在英雄们来了,可议员他们现在在哪里?

And it would be one thing if their callous indifference and rank hypocrisy were benign. But it's not. Your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity: time. It's the one thing they're running out of.


This should be flipped -- this hearing should be flipped: These men and women should be up on that stage and Congress should be down here answering their questions as to why this is so damn hard and takes so damn long; and why, no matter what they get, something's always pulled back. And they gotta come back.


Mr. Johnson [Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Rep. Georgia], you...made a point earlier and it was one that we have heard over and over again in these halls. And I...couldn't help but to answer to it, which was -- you said, "Look, you know, you guys are obviously heroes and 9/11 was a big deal but, you know, we have a lot of stuff here to do.  And, you know, we got to make sure there's money for a variety of disasters, hurricanes and tornadoes."


But this wasn't a hurricane. And this wasn't a tornado. And by the way, that's your job, anyway. We can't fund these programs -- you can. Setting aside that no American in this country should face financial ruin because of a...health issue, certainly 9/11 first responders shouldn't have to decide whether to live or to have a place to live.

可这不是飓风,不是龙卷风。顺便说一下,无论如何,这是你们的工作。我们无法为这些计划提供资金,而你们可以! 更不要说,这个国家不应该有任何一个美国人因健康问题而必须面临财务危机。911急救人员绝对不应该考虑是否要活下去,不应该考虑还可以住在哪里。

And the idea that you can only give them five more years of the VCF[be]cause you're not quite sure what's going to happen five years from now -- well, I can tell you I'm pretty sure what's going to happen five years from now: More of these men and women are going to get sick and they are going to die.


And I am awfully tired of hearing that it's a...9/11 New York issue. Al-Qaeda didn't shout "death to Tribeca." They attacked America, and these men and women, and their response to it, is what brought our country back. It's what gave a reeling nation a solid foundation to stand back upon, to remind us of why this country is great, of why this country is worth fighting for. And you are ignoring them!

还有,这句话我已经听够了,“这个911,是纽约的事情。” 基地组织可不是在向纽约的特里贝克发出死亡令,他们袭击的是美国。是这些男人和女人参与了救援,是他们挽救了我们国家,做我们的后盾,是他们的行为提醒我们,这个国家为什么这样伟大,为什么值得我们去奋斗。可你们却无视他们的存在!

And you can end it tomorrow. Why this bill isn't unanimous consent and a standalone issue is beyond my comprehension. And I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for why. It'll get stuck in some transportation bill or some appropriations bill and get sent over to the Senate, where a certain someone from the Senate will use it as a political football to get themselves maybe another new import tax on petroleum -- [be]cause that's what happened to us in 2015.

其实你们明天就能结束这个局面。为什么这项提案不能全体通过?为什么这不能作为一个独立的议案?实在让我无法理解! 而且至今我还没有听到一个合理的解释,为什么它会被困在某些交通法案或拨款法案中,并且将会送到参议院,参议院的某个人再把它当作政治足球踢来踢去,为他们自己再争取到一个新的征收石油进口税方案,因为2015年我们就遇到过这样的事情。

And we won't allow it to happen again. Thank God for people like John Feal. Thank God for people like Ray Pfeiffer. Thank God for all of these people who will not let it happen. They responded in five seconds. They did their jobs with courage, grace, tenacity, humility. Eighteen years later -- do yours!  

我们不会让这种事再发生。感谢上帝,有像 John Field 和 Ray 这样的人,为所有这些不会让这件事再发生的人而感谢上帝!他们仅用五秒钟做出回应,他们充满勇气和善意,他们持之以恒并毫不张扬地完成着救援工作;十八年过去了,现在该你们做好本职工作了!

Thank you.


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