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技能训练 今日: 0|主题: 511|排名: 4 

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[篇章] Is It a New Cold War? 新冷战来了吗?  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-26 1519743 Eunice 2021-4-21 17:04
[篇章] Telemedicine 远程医疗  ...234 Interpreter 2020-8-26 3446629 Feli 2022-4-25 10:43
[篇章] Fast Fashion 快时尚  ...23 Helen 2020-8-17 2325934 raniwhite 2021-11-15 15:18
[视听] Who You Are: A Message To All Women 你是谁:献给所有女人的演讲  ...2 Helen 2020-8-17 1312904 默啊默 2022-10-4 11:38
[视听] How Does Contact Tracing Work? 如何追踪密切接触者?  ...23 Helen 2020-8-15 2122805 tearsnake 2021-9-22 19:54
[篇章] What Makes a Good Interview 美国资深节目主持人采访的成功秘诀  ...2 Helen 2020-8-15 1013983 interpreter00 2020-11-19 20:29
[篇章] 乘风破浪的“姐姐经济” Sisters Who Make Waves  ...23 Helen 2020-8-14 2841666 sophie4306 2021-4-11 12:42
[篇章] Exercise at Home 在家云健身  ...23 Helen 2020-8-13 2025075 interpreter00 2023-7-3 18:20
[篇章] AI for Online Education 人工智能助力在线教育  ...23456 Interpreter 2020-8-12 5083726 SashaDeng 2021-12-2 21:47
[篇章] Advantages and Disadvantages of Takeaway 外卖点餐的优缺点  ...23 Interpreter 2020-8-12 2026804 海军大将黄猿 2021-10-14 16:44
[篇章] The Power of Colour 色彩的魅力  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1113419 六爷 2020-11-6 01:08
[视听] Autumn: the Season for Harvest 秋天:收获的季节  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1718427 江西小豆子 2022-9-8 17:53
[篇章] More Allergic to Food 食物过敏缘何越来越多  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1113695 海军大将黄猿 2021-10-14 16:42
[视听] Why America is a failed state in the war against COVID-19?  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1113629 六爷 2020-11-6 01:13
[篇章] Four-day Working Week 四天工作制  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1316366 Shero 2021-1-17 12:38
[篇章] Is crying good for us? 哭对我们有好处吗?  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1111647 xing7814 2022-4-1 21:32
[篇章] Making flying better for the environment 让飞行更环保  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 109769 yym_萌 2022-1-12 18:14
[篇章] Influence of Confucius 孔子思想的现实意义  ...23 Interpreter 2020-8-12 2434751 Bingwang2 2021-10-17 21:24
[篇章] Smartphone Addiction 手机成瘾相关的新词  ...2 Interpreter 2020-8-12 1317817 raniwhite 2021-9-1 10:09
[片段] 应对疫情下的教育危机 COVID-19 and Education Catastrophe  ...234 Interpreter 2020-8-12 3649060 mazheng 2023-4-8 18:08
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