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发表于 2018-4-28 00:08:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

0 I7 n$ g6 b. _1 J1 [所谓“天下大事必作于细”。
% V# K3 I- H0 W1 i8 rEvery single detail counts for achieving bigger goals./ O0 W  c8 `& V8 r

5 J5 y4 }: O9 r/ ^; K9 ~+ H5 f& a# z( v“利民之事,丝发必兴”。9 Y6 G% A6 x! B7 {+ t
Nothing is too small for us to do if it delivers concrete benefits to our people.
1 m; h# }9 u' ?& Q3 Y# O( o% k1 `8 k; s; O7 M
中国文化历来主张“己所不欲勿施于人”,我们希望的是和为贵。& C/ K, |! _- ]- d
The Chinese people always hold that they should “never do to others as you would not have them do to you,” so we cherish harmony and peace. / {) j3 `/ a9 |4 Q3 P8 E6 m

- X9 S- F' L4 ]+ \( V' P" y, l, ]6 a. k常言道:云多易生雨、树大常招风。
/ u: J2 K2 s6 Q& ]& [5 pJust as a proverb goes, gathering clouds may bring rain and tall trees catch the wind.9 ?; f! l1 y/ a

4 G$ X4 U9 |8 @3 [- \; O* u

; g" S0 X( y* s+ l自古有所谓“为官发财,应当两道”。( S0 `* G+ H% ?$ y% \* D4 W! @
Since ancient times, holding government office and making money have been two separate lanes. . u7 |2 r: r) D) M# c

9 A: F. C/ Z/ @. _# ]7 w, T在我个人的经历,在读书、做事、文化熏陶当中,悟出一个道理,就是行大道、民为本、利天下。这九个字不是什么典籍的原话,是我的心得。
  s7 g5 C- W; X" E, R" H+ WIn my life, through reading, through handling various matters, and through my culture up-bringing, I have learned the following which is, to follow the great way, to put the people first and to benefit all on the heaven. You cannot find these exact words in any classical works. These are things I have learned in my life.- D7 F& y8 h& `1 g
9 N. P1 Q% T' j. R9 b3 _
) K' `# i$ ]9 U% E) `One should not impose on others what he himself does not desire. This is an article of faith for us.
& I% B+ e( O0 k' c
: F3 Y$ ~0 @- w5 `( M3 u) _

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-28 00:09:28 | 只看该作者
: F1 _+ C; y! p$ R; X  [
, i4 a+ [& w6 P3 QAs a Chinese poem reads, "While the mighty river winds through the mountains, it never changes course and always flows east."
8 }" |4 z+ d' X' J
8 S- E# [5 R, {9 s. s0 r

4 x  q" z) M: _- }! Y& L) `0 n东南亚朋友讲“水涨荷花高”,非洲朋友讲“独行快,众行远”,欧洲朋友讲“一棵树挡不住寒风”,中国人讲“大河有水小河满,小河有水大河满”。这些说的都是一个道理,只有合作共赢才能办大事、办好事、办长久之事。2 a: V2 D0 b* \4 M7 K: [1 [7 @; x
Our friends in Southeast Asia say that the lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises.Our friends in Africa say that if you want to go fast, walk alone; and if you want to go far, walktogether. Our friends in Europe say that a single tree cannot block the chilly wind. And Chinesepeople say that when big rivers have water, the small ones are filled; and when small rivers havewater, the big ones are filled. All these sayings speak to one same truth, that is, only throughwin-win cooperation can we make big and sustainable achievements that are beneficial to all.
6 s' D# A/ [$ N( r" W
7 C4 p  J6 P( P; E8 o9 U1 }8 |/ S中国古代思想家孟子说过:“夫物之不齐,物之情也。”- w/ y$ w' w4 p9 f+ `: H* U8 u
Mencius, the great philosopher in ancient China, said, "Things are born to be different."  http://www.kouyi.org
+ e/ G" f. _4 b5 I
3 h0 f3 d) _* M- y% K中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就崇尚“以和为贵”、“协和万邦”、“四海之内皆兄弟也”等思想。+ |) Y* e8 \" ]1 z
The Chinese nation loves peace and has, since ancient times, held high such philosophies that"harmony is the most valuable", "peace and harmony should prevail" and "all men under heaven are brothers". 5 n2 B% h4 v" v
- e: P$ ^- O9 f2 H4 @
“远亲不如近邻。”这是中国人很早就认识到的一个朴素的生活道理。( j! K) `7 e% X9 x/ q! k- h* B
Close neighbors are better than distant relatives. This is a simple truth that the Chinese people got to know in ancient times.
: p8 u7 I: g/ e" w0 I% c5 u" ]( M! `0 K

, C1 a8 z3 |7 j, B中国有句谚语,“单丝难成线,独木不成林。”
' ~9 B2 A. h$ s1 i1 TAs a Chinese adage aptly puts it, "A single thread cannot be spun into a cord. And a single tree cannot create a forest." & f$ ^7 D& i) {3 R$ Y
1 O9 ^& D, ^$ p% p& n* a0 F
9 r) ^  L' I% J  S* K: ^We Chinese believe in repaying kindness with kindness and meeting wrongdoing with justice. 3 @$ @  s( K6 U2 E8 N* `" h' o, }

" Z. G$ v) v% z6 K  ^4 a' m) u; Z2013博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式演讲$ ?, t% s3 R* w6 H) D+ O
* r# A* N/ @) H: m' v
“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”: C0 Q) I! O* _1 `1 m/ l" o3 ?
As we often say in China, a single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden. 1 H  z2 t+ B' C5 x- z7 p& t* N' ~- u

$ b% N7 n" u" C4 n  L“海纳百川,有容乃大。”
/ O% ]4 _1 `  x% \' FThe ocean is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers. 6 B; p+ S" V$ X- C4 V

+ V) G9 Q4 k( ~. i7 q“亲望亲好,邻望邻好。”
6 _% S# ]  T6 ~8 z7 S. kAs a Chinese saying goes, neighbors wish each other well, just as loved ones do to each other. ' i1 [/ w/ P) N
+ o2 O0 I/ C# \. ^' H) R

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-28 00:10:36 | 只看该作者
9 ^% `/ `# ~, T
“桃李不言,下自成蹊。”8 S2 @9 p, X6 U7 A
As a Chinese saying goes, “Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees.” 0 o9 W% ]) A0 d; h4 a* Y

; _3 z0 z) \. I$ U1 I5 e4 |中国人说,“万事开头难”。
6 _* f( E& B0 b; E: \0 n" ^  |  WAs we often say in China, “The beginning is the most difficult part.”
/ E/ _, R6 P" d% j1 U
4 F+ K0 H1 b# a! S3 B6 t3 _' U中国古语讲:“不积跬步,无以至千里。”阿拉伯谚语说,“金字塔是一块块石头垒成的”。欧洲也有句话:“伟业非一日之功”。
- `+ k9 ~/ l0 X8 |+ SAn ancient Chinese saying goes, “A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time”. Similarly, there is an Arab proverb which says that the Pyramid was built by piling one stone on another. In Europe, there is also the saying that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
9 T4 p& W4 j" g% R- u+ T; _( j) C/ k0 e! k

: f, i  U$ C! ]2 {0 |& {8 N“甘瓜抱苦蒂,美枣生荆棘。”' i9 J1 I  Y) @/ x
As a line in an old Chinese poem goes, “Honey melons hang on bitter vines; sweet dates grow on thistles and thorns.” 1 `2 J" R7 _+ B& U% l7 _! ]
, W) d3 P: _+ _& E, ^" b# J3 c" f- X
0 d! H0 f$ `" ~; KAs the Chinese saying goes, “A just cause should be pursued for common good.”
! f! [" z0 l8 F, R5 S% F8 n* A# W, C) z: C( T, R1 p' a& U" w- o
& K- ?* _6 O- Q6 w5 zA Chinese adage reads, “Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.”' X2 }6 L5 X( A+ @" ~8 t5 ]

: @, E5 J* g1 c3 `6 f

3 @) S; l/ s% H5 o0 j中国人常说,海纳百川,有容乃大。% |# K6 Z3 J7 S: d* W( T9 s; F
As a Chinese saying goes, "The sea is vast as it admits all rivers."
. f& S( L) |, ]8 w
6 c6 F+ R1 L" z2014夏季达沃斯论坛致辞3 `. p" B2 ]' p- h- P

3 ?) ?' n. G  W“大智兴邦,不过集众思”。也就是说,智慧来自于大众。/ z7 M  p$ B6 X- \# e' t# J( I0 N
As the saying goes, great vision that makes a country prosper is but the result of collective wisdom. In other words, wisdom comes from the people.
# X9 {4 D& c3 @6 X2 L, S: a
/ f3 ?# O+ Y, ^' o6 \: u9 P2 }

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-28 00:13:15 | 只看该作者
0 N, R$ j) I$ N% T/ i
+ y: m0 l- P# E5 c8 xXiamen has been a trading port since ancient times as well as a gateway of China's opening up and external cooperation. Embracing the vast ocean, the city has hosted visitors from around the world.& @6 H. s$ B1 J; x0 o  a

% a. Z5 _& H/ t* ]& U, f0 E! o闽南民众常说,“爱拼才会赢”。' p+ q! v+ n0 W+ C
There is a popular saying here in southern Fujian, "Dedicate yourself and you will win," which embodies an enterprising spirit. & C3 F0 N% m" m0 b7 w% U) x

2 j: v6 ]7 ?' o9 H6 W' j- p万丈高楼平地起。! A2 `. H, `4 G% d8 _" f
As an old saying goes, the construction of a tall building starts with its foundation.
. F8 Y3 z% O# {3 B, `4 d& b$ A! k7 J; S8 E$ A, R) w0 `

% t0 q. a4 \7 e6 I中国古人说:“交得其道,千里同好,固于胶漆,坚于金石。”
2 l% k8 k! v8 G7 j& l5 z/ H) [' ~$ SAs an ancient Chinese saying goes, “A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker than glue and stronger than metal and stone.” http://www.kouyi.org
8 m# V8 T0 \6 [( d  b* v4 c( l: u+ [1 i

$ T. `+ [. j! k6 v' y逆水行舟,不进则退。
1 E6 R5 N6 ]* g# W3 SA boat sailing against the currents has to forge ahead or risks falling behind.
( Q& j% R  `$ |0 s; f+ u/ F! e: x( Z* ?1 o- v* W0 }2 D
  t2 S; ]' l7 y6 E( Q! _! c0 K6 zAs a Chinese saying goes, "A single flower does not herald spring; a single wild goose cannot make a formation."
  d/ ?  t) o& ]( Z, U3 d! D+ k
6 X! L1 t4 ~6 h3 |8 K中国古人说:“天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。”
2 ^& o* @9 I/ w! j  DA Chinese writer over two hundred years ago once observed, "Is there anything too hard in the world? With determined efforts, a hard task becomes easy; otherwise, an easy job may become difficult."
, E9 a  Q* D7 d1 P2 n! Q0 \! s4 P' h# X: M
: _  U' u3 V+ v6 }; {
& T: E4 q% v+ |4 s( d; }. _As an old Chinese poem goes, "When I glance at the visage of vernal breeze, I know that a thousand flowers of purple and red set spring aglow."  q4 k1 g& ~/ V6 a+ r2 [) D) f

% e( s! G# e0 O, G
! s. T: ~& h9 q# k, O. Q, x% t7 `! p
“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜!”+ e0 {7 }- u7 \; _% K% K3 U: e
How I wish I could have ten thousand houses to provide shelter for all who need it.5 D- A0 a1 m0 l. x% R7 k
: U  F+ e9 l9 z: X5 s
九层之台,起于累土。; p% x6 Y1 R' K1 _0 `" r
A tall tower needs a solid foundation.
: `$ H, m! v# }9 u9 n
9 R* B/ @" P6 C3 Y8 t

# }8 H1 v; ]5 J( C3 o2 q2 k% Y( u俗语说,百闻不如一见。
5 l' j. d  {  Y+ wAs a saying goes, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. $ A+ c4 [1 s6 b; v& `4 |& E

$ x/ [# {5 P1 w6 K: |# u正所谓“不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤”。
+ E( E6 i- x( r. J% GThis is our motto: "Not angling for compliments, I would be content that my integrity fills the universe".4 B& }: l. N  _( s7 T
+ h9 a* Y* W1 A# z+ i& |

$ G4 P! f, S3 q" ~. R% T依照中国的传统,男子二十谓之弱冠,今天就是香港特别行政区的成年礼,正所谓“如竹苞矣,如松茂矣”。/ C* }' R! I3 g; m
According to China's tradition, a man enters adulthood at the age of 20. So today, we are celebrating the coming of age of the HKSAR, which has grown exuberant like a bamboo or a pine tree. http://www.kouyi.org
1 y3 b6 Y. t9 P$ p8 y2 n) A7 n0 Y3 _" |6 }3 w- Y

; w- h$ w  ?# A2 i“新故相推,日生不滞。”( b' @# u' y0 n$ C! M
An ancient saying goes, "the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old."9 h2 M$ N8 S# x+ D
4 M- `( m5 H/ R' j5 \  H9 J3 d: d
上下同欲者胜。9 b$ P/ x; B2 @3 Y# [! e; d
As one saying goes, "success comes to those who share in one purpose".
8 W7 E# A5 R& P1 d5 a# _& Z* T) e7 c' K  z. m
" X1 o. E2 ^2 y5 w# \0 j# \' t4 pThe Chinese people have always believed that the world is a commonwealth.
1 D* e8 }$ m5 g$ X- D4 d
+ \* x0 t4 H$ y( U5 t* L2 Z# Z

6 n; V, ]( V7 z$ K2 C- h& j“君子务本,本立而道生。”4 n* E' E/ P9 u+ E) k% }6 a
As a Chinese saying goes, “A gentleman puts basic principles first, which will illuminate the way forward.”( T5 U$ U2 I% e2 g# ^/ y0 L
% y5 L5 R# z/ ~6 \
2015抗战胜利70周年大会讲话! S5 @, l* R- j

# Y8 S- R; B/ ?( T$ m“靡不有初,鲜克有终。”
3 D. P( w3 ~$ k% N7 ~9 V) u& r( dAs an ancient Chinese saying goes, "After making a good start, we should ensure that the cause achieves fruition."
! Y( r# l/ V* S
* o( h: Q! d$ @- s  x7 {0 i
, u/ n0 ]% O4 {8 ]; S. e
8 j% z% ~+ y' B7 i8 g# V# mAn ancient Chinese said, "A decision can be properly made after taking into account the past, the future and the normal practices."
, w. @- T* t9 p( t( \
- z7 l3 y: G+ k" S7 q4 c“日月不同光,昼夜各有宜。”正是因为有了差别,世界才多姿多彩。# j  T- Y$ H* y0 f- ~* u
As a Chinese saying goes, "The sun and the moon shine in different ways, yet their brightness is just right for the day and the night respectively." It is precisely because of so many differences that the world has become such a diverse and colorful place.
( E2 F: Y2 \5 v/ j6 f$ n: X' ?2 `/ D  O. P. D' o
) ]9 U6 V$ \% s- h+ B; c8 T
“履不必同,期于适足;治不必同,期于利民。”: e9 N7 T# w% c) E/ X) K
According to ancient Chinese wisdom, "People don't need to wear the same shoes; they should find what suit their feet. Governments don't have to adopt the same model of governance; they should find what benefits their people."
* C' V& K9 ^/ X; E0 n- H
) ?& b4 U; s% F5 @# }: E中英全方位务实合作成果早已“飞入寻常百姓家”。
( _% ~5 W1 J! o0 U- M7 ~2 nThe fruits of our practical cooperation have brought real benefits to our people's everyday lives.
. e% B# k, i  O3 m; U9 s  [1 {7 J( [( u" Z( v6 v# \! n
  a0 E1 u8 X; o! eAccording to ancient Chinese philosophy, "All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant."3 r3 l8 @+ X! W* n! ^2 O8 k+ M

! W; }& x; p/ `; [8 F( g) a; t. |
7 K5 N/ {4 w4 [7 u
- z" K  _2 T9 U- S' `- }8 b7 XThe extensive and profound schools of thought they established covered many important ideas, such as the moral injunction of fidelity to one's parents and brothers and to the monarch and friends, the sense of propriety, justice, integrity and honor, the emphasis on benevolence and kindness towards fellow human beings and the belief that man should be in harmony with nature, follow nature's course and unremittingly pursue self-renewal. These values and teachings still carry a profound impact on Chinese people's way of life today.http://www.kouyi.org
7 X4 U9 _9 Y0 @9 t: C% R5 w. I5 Q( x; f) D( v* O1 M. h
我们的先人早就提出了“天行健,君子以自强不息”的思想,强调要“苟日新,日日新,又日新”。3 R$ L9 P: t6 S) Q
Our ancestors taught us that "as heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection", and that "if one can make things better for one day, he should make them better every day".+ g2 T" S6 T1 ?9 \& N" Z7 H0 i5 m4 T

6 U, M3 b2 V6 V6 M' w这个时候需要“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行”的勇气,不断把改革推向前进。! D4 `% Q) f9 U  J* W% S8 k, x
To use a Chinese saying, we must "get ready to go into the mountain, being fully aware that there may be tigers to encounter".
9 K0 m( X8 |5 v) X
& l& P; ~" e4 F, S3 e& g“图难于其易,为大于其细。天下难事,必作于易;天下大事,必作于细。”
5 w2 G9 q, T6 ^As we say in China, he who wants to accomplish a big and difficult undertaking should start with easier things first and make sure that all details are attended to.
3 l0 Z1 n7 y" B
) T, p  I$ g4 |1 }- l. T# N: Y2000多年前中国人就认识到了这个道理:“橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,叶徒相似,其实味不同。所以然者何?水土异也。”/ S6 Q( T4 x# q
The Chinese people, over 2,000 year ago, had come to understand this from a simple fact that the tasty orange, grown in southern China, would turn sour once it is grown in the north. The leaves may look the same, but the fruits taste quite different, because the north means different location and different climate.  `% p9 X+ q; [2 g/ q, @& L

, I; K" F% F* n9 q“读万卷书”,还要“行万里路”。7 K* O" [2 e# H7 r" u- h* \. d7 O
As we Chinese believe, one needs to not only read 10,000 books, but also travel 10,000 miles to know the world around us.
' N5 v7 F+ O" S" y& x- _
! X7 T' O( N+ n, l
  i1 P9 O* [* `
“明者因时而变,知者随事而制。”5 e0 x. i* O* M6 _  q& y
As a Chinese saying goes, "A wise man changes as time and circumstances change."   j# j/ m& Z" S  p( L  i

4 d5 m, B! i3 w有句谚语说得好:“力量不在胳膊上,而在团结上。”
$ R# w& L+ H- Z' J, ^As the proverb goes, "Strength does not come from the muscle of the arms, but from the unison of the heart." http://www.kouyi.org
9 E, L1 `) Y8 [7 B* _- y0 X) g  V5 o( d: b3 V
4 ]7 Z( z  E) tAs a Chinese saying goes, for a tree to grow tall, a strong and solid root is required; for a river to reach far, an unimpeded source is necessary.5 p, @2 S) W  u2 z6 ?' w2 I

7 W6 F+ v, R2 H9 ?, [$ q“亲望亲好,邻望邻好。”
' E: w" @& x/ j3 W+ J9 i1 g3 O: bNeighbors wish each other well, just like family members do to each other.
" O& f# x8 ~# I
5 Q: W1 D' |  p6 z5 b& x& A: V“山积而高,泽积而长。” ' D' F/ k; A: w( p" I' q
As the saying goes, "Readiness to converge with others makes a mountain high and a river mighty."  `+ [0 ?; N$ R8 D$ y. N  q
6 l" V& O! N' F; M( i% Z* U6 D
2014 APEC工商领导人峰会演讲

) R# H! ~& k+ D' j! b“山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。”
# D+ P" v/ S% l; j; M& iAs is described by a Chinese poem, "The water is clear and the mountain is bright, the frost comes in at night; Trees are covered with deep scarlet leaves mixed with yellow that is light."
# }; E% n' p3 }- j6 P$ r3 G: ~! |6 P
5 W9 f9 U4 P" R- t* o  [

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-28 00:13:43 | 只看该作者
% W$ P3 J/ Z8 u" E
冰冻三尺非一日之寒。. U6 ]6 }: \/ |6 r! d% ^9 L
Of course, it takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice. 6 O+ D; D, c4 L' l) b+ @+ D
: B  k  R5 ^9 X$ T' ~: l
& n$ u/ o2 K0 K' ~# \# _
6 Z# H! D) V; j5 L* [The Chinese people often say, "When turning thirty, one should be able to stand firm; when reaching forty, one should no longer have any doubts."
% t! M& o5 J2 Q% z; e$ W7 b2 E! u2 g/ @9 [( t

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