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[环境] 2019-04-04 英国查尔斯王子在“我们的星球”首映式上的致辞

发表于 2019-4-24 23:26:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
当地时间2019年4月4日,Netflix 最新纪录片《我们的星球》(Our Planet)全球首映礼在伦敦自然历史博物馆举行,英国威尔士亲王查尔斯王子携两个儿子威廉和哈里参加首映礼。


《我们的星球》是由 Netflix 与世界自然基金会联合打造的8集4K格式纪录片,该片耗时四年,由《地球脉动》、《蓝色星球》拍摄团队联合打造,参与制作的工作人员达600余名。从北极极地到广袤荒漠,从深邃大海到热带雨林,制作组深入各个自然保护区,踏访50余个国家与地区,用4K摄影机记录下世界各地生物与生态环境的方方面面。纪录片一经上线,便创下了超高播放量,更引发了人们对保护自然、保护我们赖以生存的唯一星球的再次关注。

以下为查尔斯王子在《我们的星球》(Our Planet)全球首映礼上发表的致辞视频及英汉双语对照全文:



Speech by HRH The Prince of Wales at the “Our Planet” Premiere
Natural History Museum, London
4 April 2019


Secretaries of State, Ladies and Gentlemen, I must say I was enormously touched to have been asked here this evening, along with both my sons, to launch this really remarkable series. It is also a much-awaited opportunity to pay tribute to, and thank, Sir David Attenborough, for all he has done over so many years to bring the wonder, the fascination and, increasingly, the desperate plight of the natural world to our attention.


Above all, he has done so much to lift the veil of ignorance from our eyes about the intricate and integrated beauty of our home. The film of “Our Planet”, so astonishingly crafted by Silverback Films and with the support of WWF and Netflix, will, I pray, help to provide an essential means of reaching and teaching hundreds of millions of people around the world. Education about what we have, what we have destroyed and what can and must be regenerated could not be more timely or more urgently needed.


I must say I often wonder why we have waited so long to take the action we were so evidently required to do. Fifty years ago – as it happens about the same time I made my first speech about the environment – the space flight Apollo 8 took “Earth Rise”, the photograph that showed for the first time the incomparable beauty – and fragility – of our planet. Surely, one might have thought, we would have known then the responsibility we had, that we had to do…what we had to do and the perilous path along which we were treading.

我必须说,我经常想知道为什么我们总是等了很长时间才采取行动,这些显然是我们早就本应该做的。五十年前 - 正好在我发表关于环境的第一次演讲时候 - 阿波罗8号拍摄了“地球升起”,这张照片首次展示了我们星球无与伦比的美丽,以及它的脆弱。当然,人们可能已经想到,我们当时就知道我们应该承担的责任,我们必须做的......我们必须做的事情以及我们正在走的危险道路。

But, since that time, we have cleared fifty percent of the world’s rainforests, destroyed fifty percent of our coral reefs, poisoned our rivers – and, indeed, whole swathes of the Ocean with the run-off from industrialized agriculture – and have dumped hundreds of millions of tons of plastic into the Oceans as well.

但是,从那时起,我们已经砍伐了世界上一半的热带雨林,摧毁了一半的珊瑚礁,毒害了我们的河流 - 实际上,整个海洋的大部分地区都是工业化农业的排放物 - 并且已经倾倒了数亿吨塑料进入海洋。

And, of course, in doing so we have instigated, as Sir David also said just now, the world’s sixth mass extinction event and have accelerated CO2 emissions to the extent that climate change is now a very real existential threat to our whole civilisation. Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Anthropocene, an epoch formed by the impact of Man.


And perhaps, Ladies and Gentlemen, the greatest crime of all is that we knew what were doing. Informed consent being the basis of democracy, should we not reject informed destruction as the basis of catastrophe? And, it appears, we have only belatedly, partially and somewhat reluctantly come to the realisation that Our Planet does not refer to the “our” of Homo sapiens, but rather to the whole, astounding miracle of life on Earth.


We share it equally and, as is becoming only too obvious, for our own survival, we desperately need the rest of the Natural World, with which we are intimately inter-connected, but which we have been taught to exploit and dominate as something entirely separate from ourselves.


Now I must say it has given me great pride to see how both my sons, in different ways, have taken up the cause of restoring the balance of Nature.


When they were much younger, I…I never thought they were paying attention to anything I said at all or did! But when I turned seventy last year, I discovered, to my astonishment, that they had! My sons are both keen to remind me that we know what the problem is, we no longer need permission to act, but the priority is now to focus urgently on finding and implementing solutions. It is also glaringly obvious, as we look around our world, that these solutions need to heal the environment and our societies.  


There is much, though, about which we can be hopeful. We can change our behaviour, we can embrace a circular economy, we can embrace renewable energy, we can make soil health the basis of our agriculture, we can meet the Sustainable Development Goal targets on the Ocean and forests, we can regenerate and restore our degraded landscapes, we can ensure that investment reflects the risks inherent in destroying natural capital as well as in climate change, and we can ensure that the infrastructure, on which some $90 trillion is to be spent to the next twenty years, is zero carbon and enhances the lives of those who depend upon it.


So, not only, Ladies and Gentlemen, do we have the solutions, we also have the money! In other words, the costs of keeping to 1.5 degrees of warming are relatively small and the benefits are enormous, whereas the costs of not doing so are utterly catastrophic. So, what I want to know is how can we possibly sacrifice our children’s and grandchildren’s entire future, let alone the future of all life on this miraculous planet by not doing what we know is required – now? And these self-same children and grandchildren are already raising their voices and demanding action, as you have probably all seen.


So, Ladies and Gentlemen, we can do all of these things because we must and, by doing them, we will invest in technologies and activities that will secure employment and prosperity.


Climate change and biodiversity loss are not only going to wreak havoc on future generations, they are starting to wreak havoc on us already (particularly, and tragically, on the poorest and most vulnerable) and we have no choice but to be the change we need, for there is nobody else.


And for that to happen, as many people as possible, across all cultures and languages, must understand the natural world and our place within it. We are Nature ourselves. “Our Planet” will be a critical part of that process and I hope and pray that it will catalyse an enduring determination to cherish and protect the Earth, “Our” only home.

为了实现这一目标,应该有尽可能多的人,无论何种文化和语言,都必须了解自然世界和我们在其中的位置。 我们自身就属于大自然。 “我们的星球”将成为这个过程的关键部分,我希望并祈祷它能够激发起我们持久的决心,去珍惜和保护地球——“我们的”唯一家园。

Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen.


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thanks for sharing

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thanks for sharing

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