inhale (breath in) 吸气
exhale (breath out) 呼气
deep breath in 深吸气
deep breath out 深呼气
hold breath in 保持吸气
hold breath out 保持呼气
don't force your breath 不要强迫呼吸
keep relax and normal 保持自然和放松
keep back straight (spine) 保持背部挺直
open your shoulder 打开你的肩膀
open our pelvic 打开我们的盆骨(臀部)
tighten your hips,tighten knee, calf, muscle. 臀部,膝盖,小腿肌肉收紧
lift your chest, roll your shoulder back 挺胸,向后转动你的肩
bend forward/bend back 前弯/后弯
focus your mind in balance 注意力集中在平衡上
open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet 打开双足3到3.5英尺
twist your body right 向右扭转身体
twist your body left向左扭转身体
lie flat on your back on the ground 仰卧平躺在垫子上
neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax 颈部放松,肩膀,脊柱,所有背部肌肉,臀部肌肉/关节,大腿,膝盖,小腿,脚踝,脚趾,肘部,手掌,手指,全部放松。
relax your breath/and mind 放松你的呼吸和意识
observe your body on ground. "how peace full and relax"find same peace in your mind.专注你的身体。并在意识中寻找同样的宁静与放松。
Simple cross your legs 简易坐(双腿交叉坐)
Keep your chest up and your back erect 挺胸,背部正直
Put your palms on your knees 双手放在膝盖上
Close your eyes 闭上眼睛
Bring your palms together front of your chest 双手合十,放于你的胸前
Down your head 低下你的头
Generally raise your head up ,open your eyes and release your arms 缓慢的抬起你的头,睁开眼睛,放松你的两臂。
Deep inhale, raise your arms up, with exhale, drop your body forward. (3-5 inhale) 深吸气,抬起你的双臂,呼气,让你身体向前倾(3-5个吸气)
With inhale, come up 随着吸气,抬起身体。
Right palm on left knee and left palm back, with exhale, turn back with inhale, looking front, same practice with another side 右手放在左膝上,左手放在身后,吸气时,身体向后转,注视前方,另一侧,做同样的练习。
Open your legs, move your legs, toes, fingers 分开你的双腿,活动你的两腿,脚趾,手指。口译网
Bend your legs ones by one, come into stand position 依次弯曲你的腿,慢慢站立起来。
Sit in any comfortable posture with back,neck and head in one line. 选择任何舒适的坐姿,背部,颈部,头成一条直线
Hands on knees in Jnan mudra, shoulders relax. 两手放在两膝上,结成智慧手印,两肩放松
Divide the weight of whole body on both hips evenly. 身体的重量均匀地分布在臀部
Now pay attention on body, observe subtle sensations around the body. 现在关注你的身体,观察身体精微的感觉
Observe breath. Let in be natural now. 专注于呼吸,让它变得自然。
Take few deep breaths. 做几次深呼吸。
Remain in this peace for a while, then begin with subtle yogic joints movements. 保持这种平和的状态,然后开始精微的关节活动。
stretch your arms 伸直手臂
bend forward 前倾
keep your knees straight 伸直膝盖
look upward 向上看
lie flat on the back 仰卧
lie flat on the stomach 俯卧
pay attention to your breath 关注呼吸
pay attention to your bteathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.关注呼吸能够帮助你充分的伸展.
warm up 热身
neck rolls 颈旋转
relax 放松
repeat 反复
leg stretches 腿部伸展
shoulder rotation 肩旋转
look back as far as possible 尽可能地向后看
drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口
with your weight balanced evenly on the feet 让重量平均分配到脚上
Firm your thigh muscles and lift the knee caps 收紧大腿肌肉并上提膝盖
Lift the inner ankles to strengthen the inner arches 上提脚踝内侧加强内侧足弓
Turn the upper thighs slightly inward 大腿上部轻微向内旋
Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor 尾骨向地板的方向拉长
lift the pubis toward the navel 耻骨向肚脐的方向提升
Press your shoulder blades into your back, then widen them across and release them down your back. 肩胛骨压向背部,然后扩展并放松肩胛骨到背部。
yoga nidra:deep relaxation,瑜伽休息术
Samadhi:a state of joy and peace,快乐宁静的状态
Bhagavad Gita: 薄伽梵歌,每一个修习瑜伽的人必读的一本书。
Hatha Yoga: 哈达瑜伽,瑜伽中的一支,是现今最流行亦最为人熟悉的瑜伽修炼方法。
Power Yoga: 力量瑜伽。
Ashtanga Yoga:阿斯汤加瑜珈,又名Power Yoga,是哈达瑜伽中最讲求体力的。
Integral Yoga:完整瑜伽。
Iyengar Yoga:近年西方最为人熟悉的哈达瑜伽学派。Iyengar Yoga将瑜伽科学及医学化,借以改善个人生理及心理上的种种毛病。
Jnana Yoga:智者瑜伽。是一个探讨哲学,进行思辩(最终获得自知之明)的体系,它要求你研究自己关心的经文,并进行沉思。
vinyasa yoga:流瑜伽。
Sun Salutation:拜日式。
Sivananda Yoga:希瓦难陀瑜伽
pratyahara: 梵语意为制止感觉。