
标题: 2015-06-14 袁姗姗在TEDx宁波的演讲 [打印本页]

作者: Helen    时间: 2018-2-19 22:13
标题: 2015-06-14 袁姗姗在TEDx宁波的演讲


I would like to start by asking a question: has anyone here ever received daily abuse from complete strangers for an entire year? There is one and it’s the one standing in front of you. But don’t worry, I am not here today to complain. I am here with my abs to share the story of how I have been criticized.


As we all know, internet is nothing new to us. But when you find yourself being attacked on all sides by the internet it is not very consoling. Before 2013, I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined I would become a part of these rags to riches story a “Slanderella” who has received so much slander. Simply because my performance on TV did not reach the audience’s expectations, the story did not go as expected and that pushed me into the heart of the trouble.  


I went overnight from being a still-struggling actress to everyone condemning me as a new “hot-topic” person. Despite the shock I had to get myself out of the virtual world that was my only way out. I chose I was knocked down by the internet’s voice and then stood up in there by myself. May people think that celebrities should basically accept this: be willing to put up with it even in the face of abuse or physical harm. Sometimes they are let down but should still endeavour not to make a fuss. Later when I was known for being abused I began to reckon with myself. I received the abuse anyway why not embrace it in a positive manner?


On the 3rd of May 2013, I posted a Weibo called “Loving Criticism”. People needed to unburden themselves and there is a belief that you don’t have to take any responsibility for what you write online. I also moved my fingers and did something. On my Weibo I established the rules of criticism. It is okay to criticize. But please concentrate on criticizing together and I invited people to criticise me but only on this post. And for every person that commented weather it was to encourage, abuse or just say whatever, I would donate 0.5 yuan. After 24 hours there were over a hundred thousand comments and the money I donated was 50,693.5 yuan. It was donated to a Beijing organization that helped to pay for disabled orphans’ surgery.


Now I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who give their comments because together we have in the virtual world given help to four real disabled children who were only clinging to life. Among them, there is a child who followed surgery has stood up for the first time in her life. At the time she was not even three years old. When I saw her stand up for the first time, I felt so moved and very proud. This “Slanderella” had done something positive.


Yes I am talking about money. And I know some people out there will say: “That is tiny sum, what does she think she is doing counting that?”I think that most people don’t wish to publicly donate money because donating money doesn’t feel fulfilling and everyone equates how much money you donate to how much you care.


I am sure there are even those sitting here who worry about whether they are being as generous as their friends. The reason I chose to let the public know is that I believe there is no need to be ashamed of the random acts of kindness, what you commented below the “Loving Criticism”was actually a reflection of yourself. Perhaps those who criticised me 2 years ago will what I am saying now and will remember their not-very-kind comments and will think know how they have given these children a chance for a new life and that is just as happy. We all change all through our lives.Don’t we ?


The creation of “Loving Criticism”unburdened me and I was reborn at that moment.


Unlike most actors who are talented, I was not born to be an actress. But since I chose this profession, I believe through my own hard work and treating others well. I will make my family and myself live a happy and blessed life.


But this Internet cry that started in the summer of 2013 started by one performance this cry of “Get out of acting”reaily shook me. I was the first person to be made a subject in this. My name Yuan Shanshan became synonymous with everything awful. I did not matter what I said, did or performed it was all wrong. Even the media summed it up as “5 reasons audiences don’t like Yuan Shanshan with the first reason being “There is no reson”. I can only imagine I must have done something awful to them to get that kind of response.


The year of 2013 was a year of troubles, nothing was peaceful. As soon as it started I felt very anxious I had no idea what was going on. I didn’t gain from nothing and neither had I committed some heinous crime why were people telling me to “Get out”.


It wasn’t long before I made my way. People said I wasn’t good and that I had to prove I was. I should embrace and live in peace with myself. My acting career would have to start from square one. Well from then on every step I took was filled with happiness. Which would make you feel better to go from 0 to 90, or from 100 to 60?


It was also at that time that I started playing violin and keeping fit again. Doing sports puts me in a good mood. Practicing violin and doing exercise when I wasn’t working made every day feel fulfilling . I certainly didn’t spend much time online let alone viewing comments from Internet . I advise those young people who are obsessed with the Internet to spend a little time every day working out. So if they happen to come face to face with a bully, they can reel and roll and sweep and  swoop just like a swallow.

不尽人意的2013年确实过得有些艰辛,但是,我也时刻提醒着自己,别忘了尽可能给予所能达到的人以温暖,这是对鼓励过你的人最好的感激方式。但同时, 我们也不要忽略身边朋友向你发出的求助信号。也许你的关心会改变他的决定。

The year of 2013 was quite tough for me,but I always reminded myself to show warmth as much as I could to others. This is the best way to show gratitude to those who have encouraged you. But at the same time we also don’t want to overlook the needs of those right next to us. Your concern may help to lift their mind.


I have become familiar with some statistics: In the USA 40% of young people have experienced online bullying, and some victims have even suffered mental or physical illness because of this; In September2014 UNICEF released a report saying that in France 12.5% of 6-18 year-olds have experienced being attacked online; In China those who choose to end their lives because of online violence are getting closer and closer.


Not long before an entertainer in Taiwan committed suicide because of online harassment. When I heard this I felt tremendously upset. I don’t know how long this struggle had been in her heart. When I saw this news I felt awful. If I could have said something to her before this, could she have felt better?


In the internet age making connections between people is faster and easier than ever. But the cost of networking is also greater, not going out and being anonymous online one can do a lot. Every day we receive one piece of information after the other. Who wants to spend any effort checking the authenticity of the news they pass on? How many people are passing on or creating that news after careful deliberation? And how many people will cherish the lives of others?


Language should not become a deadly weapon. And the internet should not be to cause confusion? But rather to make life better. I was and perhaps in the future i will again become the victim of online violence. So I do not hope anyone else will suffer same kind of harm. Use your language well make your words positive.


I am especially grateful that during that time I was accompanied by my parents and friends, they could support the me who had a weight in heart and on the scales all this is not say how strong I am rather this experience has given me enough time to consider the question.I used to ask myself: if I had given up the load of being an actress,would the Internet harassment have gone away? Of course not.The problem still needs facing. It should be actively faced.


Recently I participated in shooting a publicy-funded film which passed on a very profound philosophy: Whether you encounter fortune or misfortune, everyone has the chance and the right to choose freely. I completely support this message so I chose to make an actively happy self to no longer suffer from Internet violence to no longer see only the negative side. I would help the public to make myself feel happier. It’s name is One Day.


I would really like to recommend it here, even though I only perform a small part in the film. I found it extremely moving and enlightening. The film follows nine categories of very special children. My part of the films is about a deaf-mute child and performing alongside me is a real deaf-mute child. Before shooting I felt a lot of misapprehension. I did not know how to communicate with him. I thought that my careless action may upset him. But after meeting him I quickly learned that the world of an adult is complicated only because we overthink it so much. If we can keep a common heart and communicate as equals, there will be no barriers. What is important is how you look at things not about the view from others. On those days we were filming I was happy and tranquil after every scene he would give me a thumbs-up. This little act reminded us that there are those who will encourage us and those who will encourage us and those who will not.


I am grateful for “Loving Criticism” I am grateful for one day. I am grateful to hose who booed me. I am grateful for family and friends who encouraged me. I hope more people can be like me who can act actively lift themselves from their adversity. This world has many issue that we need to solve and people that we need to care for and love preserving our own true stubborn survival.


作者: oasistea    时间: 2018-2-22 09:56
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thanks for sharing!
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thanks for sharing
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thank you soooo much
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