
标题: 2019-09-03 驻英国大使在中英商业领袖晚宴上的讲话 [打印本页]

作者: David    时间: 2019-9-7 23:00
标题: 2019-09-03 驻英国大使在中英商业领袖晚宴上的讲话


Lord Mayor Estlin,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen:


Good evening!


It is a real delight to join you at the official banquet of the China-UK Business Leaders Forum hosted by the City of London.


Today is my “City Day”.


Early in the morning, I was at the London Stock Exchange for the Market Open in honour of the 15th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention coming to London. Right after that, I was here in the Guildhall for the International Forum for Green Finance hosted by Asian Financial Cooperation Association. And now, here I am again joining you for the banquet of the China-UK Business Leaders Forum.


Never before in my more than nine years as Chinese Ambassador to the UK have I ever visited the City three times and given three speeches on economic and financial subjects in a single day! I think this gives full testament to the vitality of China-UK financial cooperation. It shows the financial sectors of our two countries are bound together in a community with shared interests in win-win cooperation.


The international financial sector is experiencing enormous transformation. This is as a result of constant upgrading of new technologies such as big data and cloud computing, which is giving birth to new concepts such as fin-tech, inclusive finance and green finance. I cannot agree more with the theme of today’s forum, namely, “A Partnership for Sustainable and Innovative Growth”. I think it reflects the new trend in the development of international financial services. And it encourages us to explore new frontiers of China-UK financial cooperation.


The City of London, as a top financial centre in the world, has a time-honoured history, extensive management expertise and a rich talent pool. China, with its newly-acquired financial strength, and the UK, with its traditional financial power, have comparative strengths in financial services, management and innovation. The strengths of our two countries combined could achieve multiplying effect.


The Chinese people often say, “We should seize the day and seize the hour.”We are living in a complex and constantly-changing world. It is a world full of new opportunities and new challenges. It is a world that offers invaluable opportunities for China-UK financial cooperation. I hope and believe that the financial communities of our two countries will tap the potential and seize the opportunities. I can count on you to make sure that China-UK financial cooperation will produce new outcomes and provide new impetus for financial and economic growth in the world!


Thank you!
作者: 一语一言    时间: 2019-9-8 10:03
作者: louisechen268    时间: 2019-9-8 10:36
尊敬的伦敦金融城市长埃斯特林先生, 各位嘉宾, 女士们、先生们,  Lord Mayor Estlin, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:  大家晚上好!  Good evening!  很高兴出席由伦敦金融城主办的中英商业领袖晚宴。  It is a real delight to join you at the official banquet of the China-UK Business Leaders Forum hosted by the City of London.  今天对我可以说是“金融城日”。  Today is my “City Day”.  一大早,我出席在伦敦证券交易所举行的第十五届世界华商大会开市仪式和推介会,接着我转场到金融城市政厅,出席亚洲金融合作协会2019年绿色金融国际论坛,今晚又到此出席中英商业领袖晚宴。  Early in the morning, I was at the London Stock Exchange for the Market Open in honour of the 15th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention coming to London. Right after that, I was here in the Guildhall for the International Forum for Green Finance hosted by Asian Financial Cooperation Association. And now, here I am again joining you for the banquet of the China-UK Business Leaders Forum.  一天之内三次到访伦敦金融城,三次发表以经济金融为主题的讲话,这在我担任中国驻英国大使9年多时间还是第一次。这充分说明,中英金融合作充满活力,形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的利益共同体,开创了合作共赢的新格局。  Never before in my more than nine years as Chinese Ambassador to the UK have I ever visited the City three times and given three speeches on economic and financial subjects in a single day! I think this gives full testament to the vitality of China-UK financial cooperation. It shows the financial sectors of our two countries are bound together in a community with shared interests in win-win cooperation.  当前,国际金融领域变革方兴未艾,大数据、云计算等新技术不断升级,金融科技、普惠金融、绿色金融等新领域层出不穷。中英商业领袖论坛以“金融领域科技创新和可持续发展”为主题,紧扣全球金融产业发展新潮流,共同开拓中英金融合作新疆域,可谓恰逢其时。  The international financial sector is experiencing enormous transformation. This is as a result of constant upgrading of new technologies such as big data and cloud computing, which is giving birth to new concepts such as fin-tech, inclusive finance and green finance. I cannot agree more with the theme of today’s forum, namely, “A Partnership for Sustainable and Innovative Growth”. I think it reflects the new trend in the development of international financial services. And it encourages us to explore new frontiers of China-UK financial cooperation.  伦敦金融城是全球领先的金融中心,拥有悠久的历史、丰富的金融管理经验和充足的人才资源。中英作为新兴金融大国和传统金融强国,双方在金融服务、管理、创新等方面的互补优势日益显现,有望形成“1+1大于2”的效果。  The City of London, as a top financial centre in the world, has a time-honoured history, extensive management expertise and a rich talent pool. China, with its newly-acquired financial strength, and the UK, with its traditional financial power, have comparative strengths in financial services, management and innovation. The strengths of our two countries combined could achieve multiplying effect.  中国人常讲,“时不我待、只争朝夕”。我们生活在一个复杂多变的世界,一个新机遇、新挑战层出不穷的世界。中英金融合作正面临难得机遇。我希望并相信,中英两国金融界将进一步深挖潜力,抓住机遇,打造两国金融合作新成果,为世界金融和经济发展提供新动力!  The Chinese people often say, “We should seize the day and seize the hour.”We are living in a complex and constantly-changing world. It is a world full of new opportunities and new challenges. It is a world that offers invaluable opportunities for China-UK financial cooperation. I hope and believe that the financial communities of our two countries will tap the potential and seize the opportunities. I can count on you to make sure that China-UK financial cooperation will produce new outcomes and provide new impetus for financial and economic growth in the world!  谢谢!  Thank you!
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Really appreciate for sharing.
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thanks a lot
作者: sqhjane    时间: 2019-9-17 10:36
thanks for sharing
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Thank you very much
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打卡上传录音Thank you very much
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thanks ssssss
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thanks for sharing
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